Saturday 1 June 2019

A Dismembered Prayerbook from the Collection of Henry Yates Thompson: An Addendum

In a previous post I collected together a few miniatures of a dismembered prayerbook, and in another post I investigated its provenance.

Browsing old auction catalogues this week, I recognised another of the miniatures (a detail of the miniature is above, the full-page view is below).

It appeared in Arno Winterberg, Auktion 5: Kunst des 15. bis 20. Jahrhunderts, Heidelberg, 14 October 1972, lot 184:
[Click images to enlarge]
Although I have known of this catalogue for a couple years, I had not recognised this miniature before, because the style of both the miniature and border looked somewhat different to me, but I now see that this was mainly just an effect of the black and white photography.

This miniature represents St Quentin, and was thus the 14th miniature in the parent volume, described in the M.R. James catalogue of Henry Yates Thompson's collection as follows:

Some details, such as the "bogus Hebrew writing on the cornice of the canopy" are barely visible in the reproduction, but are faintly visible if one knows to look for it:
[enhanced detail]

With this latest discovery, we have now traced images of seven of the 25 miniatures:

One significant implication of the finding of the St Quentin leaf, auctioned in 1972, is that the parent volume was apparently broken-up well before Bruce Ferrini was dealing in such illuminated manuscripts.

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