Saturday 25 July 2020

Master BF and the Holford Collection

In January this year, Birmingham city Art Museum put images of its illuminated cuttings and leaves online. They provide material for at least two blogposts close to my interests.

As every follower of this blog knows by now: the first auction dedicated solely to illuminated manuscript cuttings was the Celotti sale at Christie's, 26 May 1825; the catalogue was written by William Young Ottley (1771-1836), who bought extensively at the sale; and Ottley's own collection was sold about a decade later 1838.

Sunday 5 July 2020

Another Leaf of the Missal of Johannes von Giltlingen (Augsburg, c. 1485)

OK, despite what I wrote earlier today, here's a very brief post, lacking in detail.

The Missal of Johannes von Giltlingen has been published a few times in the past few decades, most recently in the Beyond Words exhibition catalogue, in an entry by James Marrow [online here], in which he cites the known leaves, and ends by saying:
"Considering the pace at which decorated and illustrated leaves from the commission have been recognized in recent decades, one hopes that some of these presumed missing leaves will also be located."

"The Bookhunter on Safari" Blog

I don't have time to write a proper blogpost myself this weekend (or next weekend), so instead I will point readers to the "The Bookhunter on Safari" blog.

It is written by Laurence Worms, owner of Ash Rare Books and founder-organiser of the Book Collecting Seminar at Senate House, University of London, which I have attended whenever possible for the past few years.

A particularly provenance-related post is The Most Successful Book-Huntress in the World, with a follow-up: The Real Clara Millard.