Saturday 28 June 2014

Jougla De Morenas, Grand armorial de France, available for download

I have just discovered that Henri Jougla de Morenas (continued by Raoul de Warren), Grand armorial de France: Catalogue général des armoiries des familles nobles de France ... (1934–1952) including the Supplément,  is available via the web as a series of PDFs.

Get them before the links break!

  • 1: van der AA – Bataillon
  • 2: de la Batardie – Coëtlogat de Clegrio
  • 3: de Coëtlogon – de Fieubert
  • 4: des Fieux – de Martimprey
  • 5: Martin – de Richaud
  • 6: Richaudeau – Zylof de Steenbourg et de Wynde (followed by Sources and bibliography)
  • 7: Supplément
For volumes 2–7 just change the numeral in the URL.

Here, for example, is the entry for the Hurault family, discussed in a recent post:

A few other books are available from the same website:

There is also a link to a very large heraldic bibliography, with links to digitized books, here.

Saturday 21 June 2014

A Dismembered Italian Ferial Psalter

Those of you who subscribe to the Manuscripts on My Mind (MoMM) Newsletter (and if you don't, I recommend that you do) will know about St Louis University, MSS 55a and 55b; Susan L'Engle brought attention to these two leaves in MoMM issue 8 (PDF here):

Saturday 14 June 2014

Archinto Catalogue Online

Some time ago I was pleased to discover that Google Books included an 1863 auction catalogue of books from the library of Count Carlo Archinto of Milan, as I had encountered important medieval manuscripts from this library at the Bodleian and Getty Museum.

Those I have seen are in distinctive green vellum-covered bindings. Two of the three Archinto MSS in Digital Scriptorium have such a binding, for example:
Typical Archinto binding
San Francisco, State of California, Sutro Collection MS 7

Saturday 7 June 2014

Unidentified Hurault? Arms in a French Book of Hours

I am currently trying to identify some arms that appear twice in a Book of Hours, made in Paris(?) in the first half of the 16th century. They appear filling a half-page space at the end of the Extracts from the Four Gospels:
and again, rather cropped, in the lower border at the beginning of the Hours of the Virgin:

Sunday 1 June 2014

A Manuale from the Augustinian Convent of Sts James and Christopher, Steterburg (Lower Saxony)

Having discussed one of Occidental College's two medieval codices in a previous post, we can turn to the other: a fascinating German nuns' book – a manuale – whose origin can be deduced from its textual contents.
But before turning to its origin, what can we tell about its more recent provenance?