Sunday 11 June 2023


[Images used under 'Fair Dealing' exemptions to copyright]

[This is a re-posting of an old post that was deleted by Google at the request of you-know-who]

There is a new website at, also available at the, which bears striking similarities to RECEPTIO.

Although the title of the organiation is in French -- "Organisation pour la protection des manuscrits médiévaux", abbreviated as "OProM" -- the website is available in both French and Italian, and Italian appears to be the native language of the unnamed person behind the site, to judge by the use of Italian URLs and image captions.

Saturday 3 June 2023

A Scattered Missal Written by Laurentius

Vassar College, Leaf 58

For the past few years I have been working on a catalogue of the medieval and Renaissance manuscripts at Vassar College, due to be published early next year. It has been the spur to many of my investigations into the trade in single leaves in the US in the 20th century, including those sold by Dawson's Book Shop, discussed in a few previous posts (e.g. here). Just before I submitted the first draft of my text, I made a satisfying provenance discovery, concerning the Missal leaf shown above.