McCarthy Catalogue vol. II (Spanish, English, Flemish, and Germanic Illuminations)


  • No. 3. Cistercian Antiphonary
    • The leaf with an initial 'O' (fig. 3.4) has surfaced (Private collection, Ohio); the text consists of the feasts of St. Cecilia and St Felicitas (22 November) and St Clement (23 November)
    • A previously unrecorded leaf with an initial of Pentecost has surfaced: Forum Auctions, London, 30 March 2023 (archived at and at [Added 11 March 2023]
  • No. 4. Psalter-Hymnal
    • A leaf with the beginning of the canticle 'Benedictus' is offered by the Artemis Gallery, CO, 5 April 2024, lot 350 (archived at [Added 30 March 2024]
  • No. 7. Table of Affinity
    • The corresponding Tree of Consanguinity is in a London private collection
  • No. 8. Lectern Bible bifolia
    • For I Thessalonians read II Thessalonians
    • The Jonah bifolium was re-offered by Stephen Butler Rare Books, 2021 (PDF here)
  • No. 9. Bible, ex-General Theological Seminary, NYC
    • The leaf with the start of Genesis (fol. 3) is now at Stanford University, CA, MISC 1877 (online description). It has a Bruce Ferrini code "VM 83" [Added 10 May 2023]
    • The leaf with the Nehemiah historiated initial is now at the Grace Museum, Abilene (TX) [added 13 Aug. 2022]
    • No. 9c:  Sale by Freeman's & Hindman, Chicago, 27 June 2024, lot 9 [archived here and here] [Added 12 June 2024]
  • No. 10. Oxford(?) Bible
    • The following leaves (in addition to the Tobit and Ecclesiastes leaves) are at Ohio State University, part of MS. MR.Frag.63.39 [Added 17 Dec. 2022]:
      • I Chronicles: Adam and Eve
      • Isaiah: Isaiah asleep in bed
      • Baruch: Baruch(?) reading at a desk (the leaf identified as Baruch in Pirages Cat. 11 is in fact the prologue to Habakkuk)
      • Ezekiel
      • Amos (not historiated)
      • Mark (the historiated? tail of the initial excised and replaced)
      • John: the Eagle in the tail of the initial
    • The II Samuel leaf, with a historiated initial depicting David and Goliath, was with Puckett in 2022 [Added 27 May 2023]
    • The year of the Robert W. Martin sale was 1963, not 1961, as Bill Stoneman has kindly pointed out to me [Added 26 September 2023]
  • No. 11. Bible
    • The following leaves belong to Scott Schwartz, NYC:
      • Ruth
      • Nehemiah
      • II Ezra
      • Tobit
      • Psalm 1
      • Psalm 26
      • Psalm 97
      • Psalm 109
      • Ecclesiastes
      • Jeremiah
      • Daniel
      • Nahum
      • Habbakuk
      • Zephaniah
      • Galatian
      • I John
    • The Zechariah leaf will be/was offered at Christies, 15 December 2021, lot 5 (col. ill.).
    • The Philippians leaf was with Puckett in 2022 [Added 27 May 2023]
    • The "P", "S", "T" marginal markings are Carthusian, not Dominican [Added 27 May 2023]
    • The Obadiah and Colossians leaves were with Puckett in 2022 [Added 27 May 2023]
    • The Corinthians leaf is Christie's, 19 October 2023, lot 190 [Added, 6 October 2023]
    • No. 11d.  Sale by Freeman's & Hindman, Chicago, 27 June 2024, lot 10 [archived here and here] [Added 12 June 2024]
  • No. 12. Justinian, Institutes
    • Another example of this rare iconography can be found on a leaf in the Schøyen Collection, MS 219
  • No. 16. Hungerford Hours
    • See the blogpost here.
    • A leaf with the quire signature "f", doubtless from Sext in the Hours of the Virgin, will be sold as part of the Colker collection at Christie's, 12 December 2022 [Added 14 Oct. 2022]
    • A leaf with the quire signature "t" was sold by Timeline Auctions, Harwich, 5 Dec. 2023, lot 1294 (archived here and here) [Added 9 Dec. 2023]
  • No. 17. "Bohun" Bible
    • fol. [21] (Proverbs 22-23) is with the Raab Collection (archived at [Added 7 Feb. 2023]
    • fol. 89 (Ecclesiasticus 23-24) is at Charlottesville, UVA, Small Library, Rosenthal Collection OS (i.e. Oversize box) no. 121 [Added 1 March 2023, brought to my attention by Lisa Fagin Davis]
    • fol. 97 (Ecclesiasticus 30-31) was sold from the collection of Roger Martin at Bloomsbury Auctions, 6 July 2021, part of lot 51
    • [fol. 162? -- the verso has Isaiah 44:28-45:12] was offered on eBay in an auction ending on 1 Jan. 2023 (archived here) [Added, 31 Dec. 2022]
    • fol. 232 (Jeremiah 37-38) was sold from the collection of Roger Martin at Bloomsbury Auctions, 6 July 2021, part of lot 51, and re-offered at PBA Galleries, 18 Nov. 2021, lot 129 (online here), and again at PBA Galleries, 8 February 2024, lot 8 (online here, archived here)
    • fol. 396 (Habakkuk 2-3) was sold from the collection of Roger Martin at Bloomsbury Auctions, 6 July 2021, part of lot 51
    • fols. 37, 48, 66, 67, 95, and 106 were apparently in the Collection of Ernst Detterer (see de Ricci, Census, I, p. 604 no. 21) [Added 31 May 2023]
  • No. 18. Knyvett Hours
    • The Calendar and panels from the 16th-century binding surfaced at Lark Mason Associates, New Braunfels, TX, 12 October 2021, lot 6091729 (a blogpost is in preparation).
    • The St Helena miniature has surfaced and is on the art market
    • To the Provenance should be added a flyleaf inscription of "Mary Kingston"
    • The leaf with the John the Baptist miniature is currently at Les Enluminures [Added, 6 March 2024]
  • No. 20. Psalter with historiated initials; made for a nun
    • The Psalms 1-2 leaf is Christie's, 19 October 2023, lot 193 [Added, 6 October 2023]
    • No. 20b.  Sale by Freeman's & Hindman, Chicago, 27 June 2024, lot 11 [archived here and here] [Added 12 June 2024]
  • No. 29. Miniatures by Simon Bening
    • The Annunciation to the Shepherds miniature (fig. 29.1) was Sotheby's, Master Works on Paper from Five Centurie, 6 July 2022, lot 1 (col. ill.) [] [Added 24 June 2022]
  • No. 38. Tables of Consanguinity and Affinity
    • This was Hartung & Hartung, Munich, 6-7 November 2001, lot 6 (ill.) [Added 19 April 2024]
  • No. 35. Sacramentary
    • Fol. 36, with the 14th-18th Sundays after Trinity, is in a private collection and will be offered at Christie's in 2022.
    • Fol. 35 must therefore have the 9th-13th Sundays after Trinity.
    • Fol. 40 was sold as part of the Roger Martin collection at Bloomsbury Auctions, 6 July 2021, lot 13.
    • Fols. 41 and 46 are a bifolium, with feasts for 22-29 August and 23-29 November, in a private collection.
    • [Added 4 August 2023:] A flyleaf and 8 leaves are in the Schøyen collection, MS 1574, where the provenance is recorded as 
      • 1. Antique shop, Linz, Austria
      • 2. Dr. Fritz Zeileis, Linz, Austria (-1992)
      • 3. Jörn Günther, Hamburg.
    • [Added 4 October 2023:] The Schøyen leaves mentioned above (with folio numbers 4, 17-20, 22-23, 44) will be Christie's, 8 November 2023, lot 44 (col. ills.), with Fritz Zeileis's dates given as 1898-1978
  • No. 39. Antiphonary initial A
    • Formerly in the collection of T.O. Wiegel, 1898.
  • No. 41. Four historiated initials from a Franconian Psalter
    • The Psalm 51 initial appears to be Munich, Graphische Sammlung, Inv. 39800 [Added 20 March 2024]
    • The Psalm 109 initial appears to be Munich, Graphische Sammlung, Inv. 39799 [Added 20 March 2024]
  • No. 46. Psalter with Last Judgement initial
    • For Psalm 51 read Psalm 109.
  • No. 52. Leaves from the Cologne Clarissan Petronilla Gradual
    • At the 1970 Christie's sale this leaf was bought by Maggs for £80. The two leaves sold with it were both bought by Scharf and will be re-offered at Christie's, summer 2023 [Added 27 March 2023]
  • No. 53. Dominican Antiphonary
    • Fig. 53.2: Delete caption; this cutting is in a private collection in Switzerland.
  • No. 55. Franciscan ("GERWIRCH") Antiphonary
    • There is a photo of the Agatha and Lucy leaf in the Stora Archive (see blogpost here).
    • The Agatha and Lucy leaf has the folio number "229" [Added 18 October 2022]
    • Endnote 22 should form part of endnote 21.
    • The St Bartholomew leaf was sold at Christie's, 14 December 2020 (an online-only sale), lot 1 [ copy] [Added 3 June 2022]
    • The St Katharine leaf followed (not preceded) the St Bartolomew leaf in the parent volume; they were fols. 278 and 247 respectively, according to the 1945 catalogue (which, however, seems to occasionally give incorrect fol. nos). That Katharine followed Bartholomew is confirmed by the Barnard catalogue [Added 3 June 2022]
    • The Stockholm leaves have been renumbered, so that Ernest Erickson Foundation Med. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are now NMB 2328A, B, C, and D [Added 23 March 2023]
    • The Sts John & James leaf was sold by Stora in November 1958 to the Atlanta Art Association (which later became the High Museum of Art) [Added 9 May 2023] It now cannot be located, and has not been recorded in place since 1973 [Added 13 May 2023]
    • The Beheading of St Katherine leaf was sold by Stora in December 1959 to the Dept. of Fine Arts, University of Indiana, Bloomington; it is now Bloomington, IN, Eskenazi Museum of Art, 59.60 [Added 9 May 2023]
  • No. 56. Augustinian Antiphonary
    • Endnote 23: add Graupe, Auktion 151, Drey Liquidation sale, 17-18 June 1936, lot 86 (ill.).
  • No. 57. Ceration scenes in six compartments
    • Offered for sale by Sam Fogg (archived pages here and here) [Added 10 June 2024]
  • No. 58. Dominican Nuns' Antiphonary
    • The St Andrew iniital is SLAM 64:1952 
    • For further discussion of the date and scribe, see the blogpost here.
  • No. 62. Bohemian half-leaf.
    • The leaf cited as a comparison is now at Keio; see Takami Matsuda, The Ultimate Materiality: The Splendour of Western Medieval Manuscripts, Keio University Library Rare Book Exhibition Catalog, 31 (Keio, 2019), no. 50 (col. ills.) [Added 2 March 2023]

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