St-Jacques, Liège, c.1735 [Source] |
Online searches locate several fully or partially digitised manuscripts from St-Jacques, including Harvard, Houghton Library, MS Riant 35 (description
here; digitisation
here), which has an ownership inscription and title on the front flyleaf:
"Liber monasterij s(an)c(t)i Jacobi leodie(n)s(is)"
Harvard, Houghton Library, MS Riant 35, f. i verso [Source] |
and shelfmarks "G.91" and "E.30", comparable to those in the Peter Lombard manuscript (discussed in the
previous post), on the first page of text:
It also has a note at the back, recording that it was bought in 1426:
"Liber m(ona)sterij s(an)c(t)i Jacobi in i(n)sula leodien(sis) que(m) acquisivit e[?] p(ri)or de (commun)i bursa ecc(les)ie in a(n)no d(omi)ni M° cccc xxvj° p(ro) tribus griffonib(us)"
Harvard, Houghton Library, MS Riant 35, f.124r [Source] |