Addenda and Corrigenda

Membra disiecta

Saturday 10 December 2022

Another Leaf from the MdM and AdM Hours Found

Regular readers will know that I have been trying to trace leaves from a late 15th-century Book of Hours with unusual initials "MdM" and "AdM" in some of the margins (see here, here, and here).

One that has so far eluded me was reproduced in Maggs Bros., Catalogue 437: Books of Art and Allied Subjects (1923), no. 1159 plate LXI (of which a detail is shown above):

Looking through images on my hard drive this week I found it; it is now at Yale University Art Gallery:


We can therefore update the list of known leaves as follows:

Leaves with miniatures:

  • St Benedict. Princeton, NJ, University Art Museum, y147
  • Christ Blessing and Holding an Orb. Toledo, OH, Museum of Art, 1926.20
  • St Anne and the Virgin. Yale, discussed above
Leaves without miniatures:
  • Montreal, McGill University, MS 104.1
  • Montreal, McGill University, MS 104.2
  • Montreal, McGill University, MS 107
  • Princeton, NJ, University Art Museum, y148
  • Rochester, NY, Memorial Art Gallery, 28.442
  • Toledo, OH, Museum of Art (images at the bottom of this blogpost)

We have therefore located all the leaves with miniatures that were offered in the 1923 Maggs catalogue. But the good condition of the leaves suggests to me that the volume had been broken up relatively recently before that, and so there ought to be other leaves, with a difference provenance, still to find.

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