Addenda and Corrigenda

Membra disiecta

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Stolen Leaves and Cuttings [8]


A Bishop Blessing a Monk
Leaf from a Pontifical
France, Avignon, c. 1320s
310 × 215 mm

The manuscript from which this leaf comes, and many of the dispersed leaves, have very recently been published by François Avril, "Quelques éléments nouveaux relatifs à la production avignonnaise du temps du pape Jean XXII. À propos d’un pontifical de Guillaume Durand dépecé", Cahiers de Fanjeux, 51 (2016), pp.413-56.

I have been asked to spread the word about a number of leaves and cuttings that were stolen from a private collection in London a few years ago. Rather than post them all at once, I will aim to do one per day for the next several days, and then do a cumulative list that you can print out and keep handy for future reference. Please circulate the details to colleagues. If you see, or have seen, any of them please contact

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